Financial Information

The Authority is a conservation and reclamation district providing water and wastewater treatment, along with recreation and reservoir facilities, for municipalities within the nearly 18,000-square-mile Trinity River basin.  The Authority owns and operates four water treatment facilities, five wastewater treatment facilities, and one recreation project, and also manages water sales from four reservoirs.  The services the Authority provides are contracted for by cities and districts.  The Authority also maintains a master plan for basin-wide development and serves as a conduit for tax-exempt financing for municipal projects and as a local sponsor for federal water projects.  Each Authority operating project is accounted for as an independent financial entity, and the Authority receives no tax revenues or appropriations.

The Authority’s Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for the eighth consecutive year.

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report provides information about the Authority's individual funds.  Separate statements for each fund category - governmental and proprietary - are presented.  The emphasis of fund financial statements is on major governmental and major enterprise funds, each displayed in separate columns.  All remaining governmental and enterprise funds are aggregated and reported as non-major funds.

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (PDF)

The Authority maintains control over operating expenditures/expenses in all operating funds by the establishment of an annual operating budget.  The annual operating budget is adopted for all funds on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles except for the proprietary funds in which capital outlays and bond principal payments are budgeted as expenses.  The budget, as formally adopted by the Board of Directors, establishes the maximum authorization of operating funds to be expended by any fund.  Any subsequent amendment thereto must be approved by the President of the Board of Directors and/or the Board of Directors.  Management has the authority to make revisions to individual line items of the budget, provided the maximum authorized budget is not exceeded.  All unused budget authorizations lapse at the end of the year.

For funds containing capital assets under construction, construction budgets are formally adopted at the inception of the project by the Board of Directors, establishing the maximum authorization of funds to be expended for construction of capital assets.  Any subsequent amendment thereto must be approved by the Board of Directors.  Appropriations do not lapse at year-end. 

Annual Budget FY23 (PDF)
Annual Budget FY24 (PDF)


Investment Policy – April 24, 2024 (PDF)
Investment Officers’ Report - 2nd Quarter – May 31, 2023 (PDF)
Investment Officers’ Report - 3rd Quarter - August 31, 2023 (PDF)
Investment Officers’ Report – 4th Quarter – November 30, 2023 (PDF)
Investment Officers’ Report - 1st Quarter - February 29, 2024 (PDF)

Debt Information

Usage Information